Category: Uncategorized

6 Formas de Experimentar la Conexión Humana Para la Felicidad y la Satisfacción

Si prefieres formato audiovisual, puedes acceder al video y suscribirte a mi canal. En los últimos años he experimentado varios tipos de conexiones a mi alrededor. Primero, estoy conociendo gente de distintos ámbitos en diversas áreas de mi vida. En segundo lugar, me estoy conectando con una parte diferente...

6 Ways to Experience Human Connection for Happiness and Fulfillment

If you prefer audiovisual content, you can watch the video and subscribe to my channel. In the last few years, I have been experiencing several types of connections around me. First, I am meeting people from all walks of life in various areas of my life. Second, I am...

Intentional Learning: A Guide to Shifting Towards Growth and Success

If you prefer audiovisual content, you can watch the video and subscribe to my channel. Being a learner is one of my top strengths and an activity I genuinely love. According to the Gallup Strengthfinders 2.0, people exceptionally talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn...

Aprendizaje Intencional: Una Guía Para Avanzar Hacia el Crecimiento y el Exito

Si prefieres formato audiovisual, puedes acceder al video y suscribirte a mi canal. Una de mis principales fortalezas y una actividad que realmente amo es la de aprender. Según Gallup Strengthfinders 2.0, las personas excepcionalmente talentosas en el tema de aprendizaje tienen un gran deseo de aprender y desean...

How to Change Others’ Perception of You: Insights and Practical Steps

If you prefer audiovisual content, you can watch the video and subscribe to my channel. Have you tried changing something about yourself only to discover that despite your best efforts your colleagues or family members still perceive you in the same way? Isn’t it frustrating to invest so much...