Ideas To End 2020 Strong

In case you have not noticed, there are only six weeks (or 47 days) left of 2020. Usually, during this time of the year, I find myself restless. I am trying to wrap up the goals I haven’t completed and getting anxious because I may not make it to the finish line in time.
For many of us, I think it is accurate to say that 2020 has been very atypical and collectively challenging. I am sure many of us are looking forward to the end of the year. Looking forward to starting fresh in the new year is more prevalent than ever.
In prior posts I wrote about acceptance and experimenting with being. Here are some of the activities I am doing to counterbalance my usual anxiety around the last few weeks of the year and make the best of it.
Many of us have defined activities that happen during this time such as year end employee performance review, bonus and salary increase assignment, budget quarter and year closing, etc. I am taking the time to write meaningful performance evaluation for my direct reports. I am also piloting a Zoom ‘stop by’ with my team to establish some sort of informal interaction. And my team and I started to outline the areas of focus in 2021 in preparation for the ‘goal setting’ season.
I am revamping my approach to investments focusing on social and environmentally responsible companies. I finally prepared my estate documents and I am now in the process of connecting assets to trust.
I highly recommend having these documents if you have more than US$50,000 in assets (cash, accounts, property, retirement plans, etc.). Leaving these logistics organized for the people left behind is an act of love.
Instead of the inertia of doing the same thing during the holidays (gathering, eating, gift shopping, etc.), I now have a chance to contemplate a different path. How do I want to reallocate my gift budget? Do I want to resume solo traveling? What do I need to check off my bucket list? These are some of the answers I am looking to get in the next few weeks.
What are you focusing on in the next few weeks until the end of the year? What is making you more anxious or is the highest source of stress? Let us know in the comments. You can write in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.
My mission is to help women transform their inner voice from critic to champion, so they can confidently realize and fulfill their potential achieving what they want most for themselves, their families, communities, organizations, and teams.