Category: Uncategorized

My First Insights on 2020

2020 is almost over, only 12 days away. What. A. Year. I am amazed at the endurance and resilience people have shown. More than ever before emotional intelligence has been at the forefront of all that we do. Leadership traits such as empathy, inclusion, trust, and the ability to...

How To Regain Time For Your Priorities

It is interesting how differently each of us experience this time of the year even with a modified ‘normal’. I hear my friends and colleagues complaint of not having enough hours in the day for work and home. Others are getting bored and feel the days are very long. ...

How to Unlock Your Potential and Get What You Really Want

I love setting goals and plans to achieve those goals. I truly believe that goals helps us take advantage of the time we have to obtain what we want. I recently learned a process to do before setting my goals. Bruce Schneider, founder of iPEC, calls it the Desire/Belief/Acceptance...

Ideas To End 2020 Strong

In case you have not noticed, there are only six weeks (or 47 days) left of 2020. Usually, during this time of the year, I find myself restless. I am trying to wrap up the goals I haven’t completed and getting anxious because I may not make it to...

What I Learned (So Far) About My Emotions

Covid brought many changes at once to everybody. And with that change a huge amount of pain. And with that pain a lot of suffering. I have been struggling with my emotions being all over the place. Many days I wished I could be one of those people who...

Experimenting with Being

In the last year or so, I have been struggling with the practical aspects of understanding being vs. doing. OK, I grapple with the being part. The doing is very clear to me as that has been my preferred mode for the last 20 years. To me, doing is...

How To Overcome Our Fear of Success

I have a theory that we are equally afraid (if not more) of achieving and of not achieving our dreams. I think it has to do with the fear of the unknown: how would our lives be different if we have or do what we want? How much power...

Four Actions to Welcome Members to Your Team

Welcoming a new person or team to your group could be both exciting and scary. There is a period of adjustment that could be quite challenging if not handled well.  As leaders, consciously or not, we have the ability to push people’s buttons very frequently. The more senior we...